LOST 2017 - Official Poster
The news is out ! Revealed on Twitter on LOST day (or at least it was for the US fans) - 4/8/15 16:23:42 - by @2017LOST

I had the idea for this while at LOST 2014, after it was announced there would be a 2017 meet up, and after a few (cough) iterations this was the end result. I originally created it just because I wanted to, not knowing that it might be used for the 2017 gathering, but I am so happy that it was deemed worthy.

I did think about adding a Hurley or other characters into the van, but decided against it to keep it simple and relaxed, like the 2017 gathering is sure to be.

Head on over to the LOST 2017 website to keep up to date with what is happening and meet some like minded LOST fans.
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